The responsibility of fulfilling the service book of the hand within three months from the date of appointment of the hand in the academy remains with the star of the academy. The academy has to maintain the service book as per regulation- 3. Each registered academy should start and continue service book / service form in Form- 2 within three months from the date of its appointment by the academy board for each of its workers. Regulation- 2, excursus- 2, executive Duties of star Issue no. According to 12, the star is responsible for maintaining the service books of the academy staff and making necessary notes in them. also, the Board of Governors is responsible for maintaining the star's service book and making necessary notes. therefore, it's a legal duty to maintain the service book in a private secondary academy. Violations can affect in legal action. In case the academy doesn't fulfill the service book, an appeal can be made to the Hon' ble Secondary Education Commission.
The office( District Education Officer) may order the star to
stop the increase as well as to cut the entitlement. O If the service book belongs to the former academy and it's deficient also the present academy should write to that academy for its completion.If the former academy was closed also the current academy should fill it up on the base of resemblant substantiation grounded on the record/ affidavit entered. In such a case the finalization of the pension shouldn't be delayed. All the notes of the name, surname, date of birth, educational qualificationetc. of the hand made on the first runner of the service book should be uncorrected and vindicated. Medical fitness instrument on the left side of the first runner of the service book.( Should be given by Civil Surgeon) Sticky should be certified by Principal.
Both iOS and Android got native QR Code scanners in 2021, thanks to Apple and Google adding the functionality to iOS 11 and Android 8 Oreo, independently. still, the point remainder missing entirely in aged iPhones( iOS10.x and aged) and Android bias(7.x Nougat and aged). Thankfully, there are dozens of third- party apps that not only guide the functionality to aged bias but also offer added features that aren't available natively on either Android or iOS. So then’s a list of the modern QR law and barcode scanner apps on Android and iOS
Best Barcode and QR Code Scanners on Android and iOS
There are numerous QR Code and barcode scanner apps available on the Play Store and App Store, and we've rounded up 10 of the veritably stylish for you. Then, we list the stylish QR Code and barcode scanners available on Android and iOS so you do n’t fall prey to vicious scanner apps that could peril your sequestration and security. nearly all of them are available on aged bias and include a ton of useful features. But before we get to the list, let’s check out how you can use the erected- in QR law scanner on Android bias.
The latest performances of Android( interpretation8.x Oreo and over) come with a native QR law scanner. To use the point, first enable the Google app on your phone( if it is n’t formerly) and give it the needful camera and microphone warrants to overlook QR canons.

સર્વિસ બુક ઉપયોગી માહિતી ની PDF ડાઉનલોડ કરવા માટે અહીં ક્લિક કરો.
Now open up the camera app and extremity it at a QR Code. Next, valve on the Google Lens symbol. Depending on your device and Android interpretation, you'll either get an automatic popup to overlook the law, or you might have to long- press the home button to spark Google Assistant and checkup via Google Lens.
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