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Saturday, 22 May 2021


Walkie-talkie - COMMUNICATION APKStd 12 exam related NewsNews SourceCBSC BOARD EXAM UPDATESWalkie-talkie - COMMUNICATION APKDo you copy?This walkie-talkie app allows you to communicate quickly and easily with your friends.Go to the same radio frequency, push to talk and that's it!A walkie-talkie, more...
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One page information on the Chief Ministers, Governors and the current government of all the states of India

One page information on the Chief Ministers, Governors and the current government of all the states of IndiaFirst, submit a service on our website.You will NOT need to pay anything before service. Under Media Type, select “Hard Disk Drive (HDD)”.Then, fill in as much additional information as you can about the hard drive...
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After corona dises Mucormycosis injection arrangement gujarat govt dated20/05/2021MUCORMYCOSIS BIMARI ANGE NE MARGDARSHIKA BABAT

After corona dises Mucormycosis injection arrangement gujarat govt dated20/05/2021MUCORMYCOSIS BIMARI ANGE NE MARGDARSHIKA BABAT After corona dises Mucormycosis injection arrangement gujarat govt date d20/05/2021Mucormycosis (previously called zygomycosis) is a serious but rare fungal infection caused...
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Arogya Health Tips is committed to serving provided the best patient care.

Arogya Health Tips is committed to serving provided the best patient care.Arogya Health Tips is committed to serving provided the best patient care.There is a strong statement in the Arogya world health is wealth for the purpose this we made these health tips. Arogya Health Tips recommend you daily...
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Create Your Own Ringtone using this Name Ringtone Makar & best MP3 Cuttar app

Create Your Own Ringtone using this Name Ringtone Makar & best MP3 Cuttar app Create Your Own Ringtone using this Name Ringtone Makar & best MP3 Cuttar appMy Name Ringtone Maker App For Creating Ringtone with Your Name & Friend's NameMy Name Ringtone Maker is best app for creating a ringtone...
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This video editor app also makes vidios shot on mobile look like albums.

This video editor app also makes vidios shot on mobile look like albums.This video editor app also makes videos shot on mobile look like albumsNo viral message with a demand to take action against teachers who tamper with the future of children.In the Corona era in the state, some teachers are tampering with the future...
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Friday, 21 May 2021


WHATSAPP SWAMULYANKAN TEACHER REPORTINGWHATSAPP SWAMULYANKAN TEACHER REPORTINGMost important  As you are all well aware, every Saturday students of Std. 3 to 10 * Samagra Shiksha has been practicing WhatsApp under self-assessment for a long time under the home learning program of Gujarat State...
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РM Kisаn Yоjаnа 2021 Will get nоw 6,000 tо 10,000 ruрees news by GSTV

РM Kisаn Yоjаnа 2021 Will get nоw 6,000 tо 10,000 ruрees news by GSTVРM Kisаn Yоjаnа 2021 Will get nоw 6,000 tо 10,000 ruрees news by GSTVРM Kisаn: Оn Februаry 1, Finаnсe Minister Nirmаlа Sithаrаmаn will рresent the budget fоr the finаnсiаl yeаr 2021-22. Its рreраrаtiоns...
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GCERT Text Book PDF STD 1 to 12 All Medium Download @,

GCERT Text Book PDF STD 1 to 12 All Medium Download @,GCERT Text Book PDF STD 1 to 12 All Medium Download @,GCERT Text Book PDF STD 1 to 12 All Medium Download @,Text Book,Text Book PDF,Gujarat Text Book PDF,STD 1 to 12 Text...
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Соnstruсtiоn Wоrkers 1000rs Sаhаy

Соnstruсtiоn Wоrkers 1000rs SаhаyСоnstruсtiоn Wоrkers 1000rs SаhаySаfety huddles in idle building tyсооn simulаtоr with сity соnstruсtiоn gаmes free, sо саll uр соnstruсtiоn сrew tо build yоur оwn сity. In Megаlороlis heаvy соnstruсtiоn missiоns, tар uр tо соmрlete сity building gаmes missiоns in idle...
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JILLAFER BADLI SENIYORITY LISTWhy am I asked to verify Bank account, Demat account, PAN and various other services with Aadhaar? Open or Close As per the Supreme Court Judgement in the Aadhaar case (494 of 2012), residents are no longer required to mandatorily verify Bank account with Aadhaar. PAN...
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Gujarat Government Sarkari Yojanas 100 Application Form PDF in Gujarat 2021

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How To Apply for Online Driving license all details in Gujarati

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Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to share

Google Photos is the home for all your photos and videos, automatically organized and easy to shareFREE STORAGE: Back up 15 GB of photos and videos for free and access them from any device and google photo—your photos are safe, secure, and private to you. All photos and videos you back up in High quality...
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Download Battery saver apps for save smartphone battery Geenify Battery guru servicely "Aggressive Doze" and "Doze on the Go" to maximize the battery saving on Android 6+, even without root! (details explained in settings) Never should your phone or tablet become slower and battery hungrier after lots of apps installed. With Greenify, your device can run almost as smoothly and lastingly as it did the first day you had it! Greenify help you identify and put the misbehaving apps into hibernation when you are not actively using them, to stop them from lagging your device or leeching the battery, in a unique way! They can do nothing without explicit launch by you or other apps, while still preserving full functionality when running in foreground. Please report bugs in the XDA forum ( or G+ community ( Greenify NEVER EVER collects your personal data despite the capability of accessibility service, it just takes advantage of it to automate the hibernation procedure. IMPORTANT: Greenifying an app implies that you are aware that all the background functionality (service, periodic task, event receiver, alarm, widget update, push message) of this app will become out of service during the hibernation except when you are using this app. Greenify App Download NEVER greenify alarm clock apps, instant messaging apps unless you don't rely on them. Please do verify the impact of greenified apps on which you heavily rely. Battery Guru displays battery usage information, measures battery capacity (mAh), show estimates, and helps you change your charging habits with useful tips to prolong battery life and increase its lifespan by 200%. 🏆 Designed to keep the battery in the best condition and bring it a healthy life ⭐ Taking care of battery health and optimize its performance ❤ Showing the health of your battery Batteries have a limited lifespan, every time you charge your device it wears out the battery, lowering it's total (design) capacity. Now, you can reduce wear, spend less time with your device attached to its charger and get more out of your mobile life without constant concerns about the low battery level. Use Battery Guru to find the fastest charger and USB cable for your device. Measure the charging current (in mA) to find out! The app will show you max current achieved while charging. Choose status bar indicator based on your need: - How current mA - Temperature - Battery level - And combination of them DOWNLOAD BATTERY GURU APP 📊Charging/Discharging info - Section dedicated for battery stats including charge/discharge percentage and estimated time for full charge/discharge. Display information about battery: voltage, temperature, capacity, and battery health status, battery charger history...


Download Battery saver apps for save smartphone battery Geenify Battery guru servicely

"Aggressive Doze" and "Doze on the Go" to maximize the battery saving on Android 6+, even without root! (details explained in settings)

Never should your phone or tablet become slower and battery hungrier after lots of apps installed. With Greenify, your device can run almost as smoothly and lastingly as it did the first day you had it!

click here to video 

Greenify help you identify and put the misbehaving apps into hibernation when you are not actively using them, to stop them from lagging your device or leeching the battery, in a unique way! They can do nothing without explicit launch by you or other apps, while still preserving full functionality when running in foreground.

Please report bugs in the XDA forum ( or G+ community (

Greenify NEVER EVER collects your personal data despite the capability of accessibility service, it just takes advantage of it to automate the hibernation procedure.

IMPORTANT: Greenifying an app implies that you are aware that all the background functionality (service, periodic task, event receiver, alarm, widget update, push message) of this app will become out of service during the hibernation except when you are using this app.

Greenify App Download

NEVER greenify alarm clock apps, instant messaging apps unless you don't rely on them. Please do verify the impact of greenified apps on which you heavily rely.

Battery Guru displays battery usage information, measures battery capacity (mAh), show estimates, and helps you change your charging habits with useful tips to prolong battery life and increase its lifespan by 200%.

🏆 Designed to keep the battery in the best condition and bring it a healthy life
⭐ Taking care of battery health and optimize its performance
❤ Showing the health of your battery

Batteries have a limited lifespan, every time you charge your device it wears out the battery, lowering it's total (design) capacity.
Now, you can reduce wear, spend less time with your device attached to its charger and get more out of your mobile life without constant concerns about the low battery level.
Use Battery Guru to find the fastest charger and USB cable for your device. Measure the charging current (in mA) to find out! The app will show you max current achieved while charging.

Choose status bar indicator based on your need:
- How current mA
- Temperature
- Battery level
- And combination of them


📊Charging/Discharging info
- Section dedicated for battery stats including charge/discharge percentage and estimated time for full charge/discharge.
Display information about battery: voltage, temperature, capacity, and battery health status, battery charger history...
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