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Tuesday 8 December 2020

The nature of the body; Let's understand bile, Cough and phlegm in simple language

The nature of the body; Let's understand bile, Cough and phlegm in simple language

You may have heard the elders say, "That is nature, it will never change", so let me introduce you to this nature today.

Ayurveda is the only scripture that talks about the nature of man and explains its usefulness.

Ayurvedic physicians determine the medicine and its dosage according to the nature of the person. If the same disease occurs in two different people, the herbs and guidance may be different according to their nature.

The primary responsibility for all the actions of the body and mind during man’s life is shared between air, bile and phlegm.
Air is responsible for the movement of the body and all the matter inside it.
Bile is responsible for digestion and metabolism.
Cough is responsible for the formation of new cells and the immune system.
Do you know your nature

Everyone has air, bile and phlegm in their body but their proportions are different. If the amount of air is high then the nature of a person is said to be air nature. Understanding bile and phlegm in the same way. Nature is a very interesting and comprehensive subject to understand, but let's get a basic introduction to this subject just like the first visit today.

Vayu Prakriti:

Those who are fond of talking or speaking, understand that they are mostly Vayu Prakriti. Those who are not satisfied with speaking only once and speak the same thing two or three times and speak differently, if they speak with haw bhav and halan chalan, then surely he should be understood as a person of airy nature. Both the body and the mind of this person are particularly dynamic. The shoulders and arms work just as well as the tongue when speaking. The power of their imagination is the most fun. The response of a person of airy nature can never be accurately predicted, as he is always behaving in an innovative way. Usually they live according to the mood so their identity also becomes that of a capital person. Flatulence, irregular bowel movements, and even times of hunger may change the nature of the air. Their skin stays rough because roughness is a virtue of air.

Bile nature:

Bile is the representative of fire. The function of bile is to change. Bile is responsible for converting food into energy. Bile is representative of the entire digestive system. Just as milk and water can be separated by the contact of fire, so intellect like Kshir-nir Vivek means bile. Whose bile is proper, his intellect is proper. Clear decision making is a characteristic of bile nature. The cooling atmosphere is very conducive to bile nature but if the heat rises slightly the embarrassment increases, i.e. bile nature. Migraine headaches are especially common in people with biliary tract infections. A person living by discipline and principles is mostly bile in nature.

Cough Nature:

Cough is formed from water and earth elements. Cuff nature is a person who is calm, stable, relatively slow and lively. Always smiling and avoiding hard work, has a special fondness for food, maintains relationships for life and is a loving person. If the skin is oily and white, see a reservoir in dreams. Has a serious gait like an elephant, has a very high immune system, has a very old memory.

Thus, even if the three components (faults) of air-bile-cough are present in every person, the excess of their proportions shows their characteristic. There must also be a conflict of nature. If everyone knows their nature and takes proper care of their diet, it will be much easier to avoid many diseases.
1. The effect of the wind is greatest in the morning

2. The effect of bile is in the afternoon

3. The effect of the cough is at night

Most of the morning there is air in the body which contains air and in the morning air is very necessary for the body. If there is no air in the body, there will be no toilet and those who do not have toilet in the morning, their life is in a lot of trouble. If there is no outburst of air in the morning, both feces and urine will not come out of the body and it will come out at its own speed and if it does not come out, the body will be poisoned. That is why nature has made a beautiful arrangement that PV is the best thing to balance the air fury in the body in the morning.

Read the photo below. It has also been scientifically confirmed.

Suppose a strong wind blows in the village today and it suddenly rains, then peace will come. The power to calm the storm is in the water so if the body is very irritated with air then you can drink the juice. The juice has the most water so it will calm the air so you have to drink the juice in the morning.

At noon there is the nature of bile because at that time the sun is very bright. The afternoon sun has a direct relationship with bile. The sun is directly related to fire and the more intense the sun, the more intense the stomach fire will be and the more intense the fire will be, the more intense the bile will be. Of the two, bile has the most calming power. One is ghee and the other is curd (chhas or lassi)..

અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ

અહીંથી વાંચો ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ

That is why in Ayurveda it is said that you can drink tak (lassi) after lunch. The body has a lot of phlegm at night so the strength to control the phlegm is in cow's milk, not in buffalo's milk, buffalo's milk increases the phlegm. Cow's milk soothes the cough. So at night you should always drink milk and juice in the morning and tak (chass or lassi) in the afternoon.

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