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Monday 25 July 2022

Learn how pomegranate boosts immunity in the rainy season

Learn how pomegranate boosts impunity in the stormy season. Learn the benefits of eating pomegranates in the stormy season. 


You must have heard the byword of a sick pomegranate. The mama says that pomegranate is called fruit croaker.

In addition to guarding the body from numerous health problems that do during the stormy season, it also cures anemia during period and menopause. 

Why does mama say to eat pomegranate? 


The mama says that in pastoral areas, pomegranate, which looks red like blood, is considered to increase the quantum of blood in the body. thus, to increase the quantum of hemoglobin after any type of surgery, the case is still fed utmost of the fruit pomegranate, because pomegranate is rich in iron. 

utmost women bleed further during the onset of period and during menopause after puberty. It also increases the chances of anemia. In similar cases, women in pastoral areas are advised to eat pomegranate, which increases the quantum of hemoglobin. 


nutritional pomegranate 

In inclusion to iron, pomegranate is also rich in vitamin A, calcium, vitamin D, magnesium and potassium. thus, regular use of pomegranate provides complete health benefits. 


Why are pomegranates eaten more in the stormy season? 


The threat of infection is advanced in the rain. Pomegranate has antibacterial andanti-inflammatory parcels. It preserve the body from all kinds of infections. 

Rain also affects our digestive system. When we bite pomegranate seeds, our bowel get a fair quantum of roughness. This allows the coliseum to move duly. The unsaturated fiber in it fully corrects the digestive system. 

Pomegranate juice also benefits the hair. By applying its juice continuously, the hair becomes powerful from the root and it stops falling and breaking.  


The tannins in pomegranate juice exclude antioxidant free revolutionaries and flush out poisons from the body. This helps reduce wrinkles on the skin. It also removes stains. 

Drinking pomegranate juice daily increases the quantum of hemoglobin in the blood. It cures anemia. seditious and antioxidant parcels ameliorate blood inflow and also control blood pressure. It also protects the heart. 


Still, be sure to use pomegranate juice, If you or someone in your family has osteoarthritis. It inactivates enzymes that damage cartilage. In osteoarthritis, the cartilage that connects the bones is pretentious. Pomegranate is also a important source of calcium. thus, its regular use strengthens the bones.

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