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Sunday 10 January 2021

Why jaggery and ghee are eaten in winter


Why jaggery and ghee are eaten in winter

Most Gujaratis have a habit of dipping ghee in jaggery while eating.  Jaggery is considered to be beneficial in winter.  Jaggery is known as a natural sweetener.  Adding ghee to jaggery gives many benefits to our body.  Which is beneficial for our health.  Round taste is a treasure of good heah as well.

Eat superfoods in the winter

 Round-headed is considered a superfood

 Give vitamins to the body in winter

If you have a throat or lung infection, you should eat warm jaggery and ghee every night before going to bed, this will cure your infection.  This treatment is very useful in the present coronal period.

Eating with jaggery and ginger is beneficial for joint pain.  In general, many families have a habit of making small laduli of ginger and ghee every morning in winter.

Eating jaggery and ghee boosts your immune system in winter.  With this, the use of jaggery when it is cold or even throughout the winter proves to be beneficial.  As it is warm in round quality, it gives relief in cold, cold and especially in cough.  For this you can eat ghee and jaggery together. If you have gas or acidity, eat some jaggery after meal.  If many people have ear pain due to cold, put drops of fern oil in the ear and mix ghee in the jar and eat it, the pain will disappear.

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