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Sunday 8 August 2021



Gujarat Council of Educational Research and Training (GCERT) is a leading state-level institution for enhancing quality education in the state and state-level primary and secondary schools.

Gujarat state Textbook Mandal was established in AD 1969 on 21st October. Since the 38-year manuals main target. top quality textbooks are published and to Gujarat students, they're easily available at reasonable prices.

*✍️🔰📚āŠĪા:28/08/2021 āŠĻું āŠđોāŠŪ āŠēāŠ°્āŠĻિંāŠ— āŠĄાāŠŊāŠ°ેāŠ• āŠŊુāŠŸ્āŠŊુāŠŽ āŠĻા āŠŪાāŠ§્āŠŊāŠŪāŠĨી.ðŸ‘‡ðŸ―*

*✍️🔰📚āŠĩિāŠĶ્āŠŊાāŠ°્āŠĨી āŠŪિāŠĪ્āŠ° āŠĪāŠŪાāŠ°ા āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢāŠĻી āŠĻીāŠšે āŠ†āŠŠેāŠēી āŠēિંāŠ• āŠ–ોāŠēીāŠĻે āŠ†āŠœāŠĻું āŠ“āŠĻāŠēાāŠˆāŠĻ āŠķિāŠ•્āŠ·āŠĢ āŠŪેāŠģāŠĩો āŠŊુāŠŸ્āŠŊુāŠŽ āŠĻા āŠŪાāŠ§્āŠŊāŠŪāŠĨી...*

*✍️āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ-3 āŠŠ્āŠ°āŠĩૃāŠĪ્āŠĪિāŠļāŠ­āŠ° āŠķૈāŠ•્āŠ·āŠĢિāŠ• āŠ•ાāŠ°્āŠŊāŠ•્āŠ°āŠŪ*

*✍️āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ-4 āŠŠ્āŠ°āŠĩૃāŠĪ્āŠĪિāŠļāŠ­āŠ° āŠķૈāŠ•્āŠ·āŠĢિāŠ• āŠ•ાāŠ°્āŠŊāŠ•્āŠ°āŠŪ*

*✍️āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ-5 āŠŠ્āŠ°āŠĩૃāŠĪ્āŠĪિāŠļāŠ­āŠ° āŠķૈāŠ•્āŠ·āŠĢિāŠ• āŠ•ાāŠ°્āŠŊāŠ•્āŠ°āŠŪ*

*✍️āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ-6 āŠšિāŠĪ્āŠ°āŠ•ાāŠŪ(Drawing)*

*✍️āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ-7 āŠšિāŠĪ્āŠ°āŠ•ાāŠŪ(Drawing)*

*✍️āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ-8 āŠšિāŠĪ્āŠ°āŠ•ાāŠŪ(Drawing)*

*✍️āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ-9 āŠĩિāŠœ્āŠžાāŠĻ*

*✍️āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ-12 āŠĻાāŠŪાāŠĻાં āŠŪૂāŠģāŠĪāŠĪ્āŠĩો*

*🌐āŠđોāŠŪ āŠēāŠ°્āŠĻીāŠ— āŠ—્āŠ°ુāŠŠāŠŪાં āŠœોāŠĄાāŠ“👇*


āŠļāŠŪāŠ—્āŠ° āŠķિāŠ•્āŠ·ા āŠķિāŠ•્āŠ·āŠĢ āŠĩિāŠ­ાāŠ— āŠĶ્āŠĩાāŠ°ા āŠ†āŠŊોāŠœિāŠĪ āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ: 3 āŠĨી 12 āŠĻા āŠđોāŠŪ āŠēāŠ°્āŠĻિંāŠ— āŠĻા āŠĩિāŠĄીāŠ“ āŠŊુāŠŸ્āŠŊુāŠŽ āŠĻા āŠŪાāŠ§્āŠŊāŠŪāŠĨી..

āŠĪાāŠ°ીāŠ–: 09/08/2021

āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ: 3 āŠĪા:-09-08-2021 āŠĻો āŠĩિāŠĄીāŠ“ āŠœોāŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ…āŠđી āŠ•્āŠēિāŠ• āŠ•āŠ°ો

āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ: 4 āŠĪા:-09-08-2021 āŠĻો āŠĩિāŠĄીāŠ“ āŠœોāŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ…āŠđી āŠ•્āŠēિāŠ• āŠ•āŠ°ો

āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ: 5 āŠĪા:-09-08-2021 āŠĻો āŠĩિāŠĄીāŠ“ āŠœોāŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ…āŠđી āŠ•્āŠēિāŠ• āŠ•āŠ°ો

āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ: 6 āŠĪા:-09-08-2021 āŠĻો āŠĩિāŠĄીāŠ“ āŠœોāŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ…āŠđી āŠ•્āŠēિāŠ• āŠ•āŠ°ો

āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ: 7 āŠĪા:-09-08-2021 āŠĻો āŠĩિāŠĄીāŠ“ āŠœોāŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ…āŠđી āŠ•્āŠēિāŠ• āŠ•āŠ°ો

āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ: 8 āŠĪા:-09-08-2021 āŠĻો āŠĩિāŠĄીāŠ“ āŠœોāŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ…āŠđી āŠ•્āŠēિāŠ• āŠ•āŠ°ો

āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ: 10 āŠĪા:-09-08-2021 āŠĻો āŠĩિāŠĄીāŠ“ āŠœોāŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ…āŠđી āŠ•્āŠēિāŠ• āŠ•āŠ°ો

āŠ§ોāŠ°āŠĢ: 12 āŠĪા:-09-08-2021 āŠĻો āŠĩિāŠĄીāŠ“ āŠœોāŠĩા āŠŪાāŠŸે āŠ…āŠđી āŠ•્āŠēિāŠ• āŠ•āŠ°ો

Through Mandal Std. 1-12 Gujarati Medium textbooks are published. Thereafter in Hindi, English, Marathi, Sindhi, Urdu, Sanskrit, and Tamil Language also textbooks are published.

The MIT community is driven by a shared purpose: to make a much bettar world through education, research, and innovation. We are fun and quirky, elite but not elitist, inventive, and artistic, hooked into numbers, and welcoming to talented people no matter where they are available.

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