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Saturday 13 August 2022

10 Yoga Poses to Increase Spine Mobility

10 Yoga Poses to Increase chine Mobility 


Among the colorful pain areas in the body, numerous people witness trouble with their reverse. With our life that includes sitting for long spells and reduced movement, pain & stiffness are nearly ineluctable. 


Top 10 Yoga Poses for chine Mobility 


utmost yoga acts work on multiple corridor of the body. still, certain asanas concentrate on working the reverse and structure on its mobility. Then are some that you can try 


1 Parsvottanasana 


important like its name, this is an violent asana that takes some time and practice to master. 




Stand straight, bring one bottom forward, and move the other behind 

Now, with your hands on your hips, bend forward with your chin put away nearly into your casket 

The body must bend only at the torso until your hands drop onto the bottom and your face touches your knees 

Alternate legs and repeat the exercise on the contrary side 

Benefits This exercise is a great stretch for your chine and hips. It helps restore balance and posture. 


2 Marjariasana 


This is generally known as the cat/ cow disguise and is a simple, relaxing asana that newcomers can fluently perform. 




Get onto your mat on all fours, with your wrists and knees aligned vertically 

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, drop your head and arch your reverse up towards the ceiling 

Now, as you gobble, get your head back over and arch your reverse in the contrary direction till it bends down fully 

Continue this movement sluggishly for 2 to 3 twinkles 

Benefits This is a comforting exercise that gives your reverse a great stretch and loosens it out to offer lesser mobility incontinently. When performed rightly, this yoga asana can also correct your posture. 


3 Janu Sirsasana 


The head- to- knee exercise is another disguise suitable for all situations of practice. 




Sit on your mat with one leg folded 

The heel should touch your groin 

Bend until you can snare your bottom with your hands 

Switch to the contrary side and reprise 

Benefits This exercise relieves stiffness and stress, promotes blood rotation in the abdominal region, and increases spinal mobility. 


4 Adho Mukha Svanasana 


A great exercise that will help ease your stiff reverse. 




Stand with your bases slightly piecemeal, and sluggishly bend at the midriff till your triumphs are on the bottom, reaching straight out as far as you can 

insure your head is comfortable between your arms 

You should be suitable to look right through your legs 

Benefits Through the stretch caused to your hamstring and pins, you'll find the reverse also loosen up and feel more mobile. 


5 Dhanurasana 


The bow disguise is one of moderate difficulty that can be fluently managed with a little practice. 




taradiddle on your mat, face down 

Keeping your arms near to your body, bend the knees, and try to snare your ankles with your hands 

While doing so, try to lift the casket and shoulders off the ground to the point where it feels stretched but comfortable 

Hold the position for 10 counts and gently release it 

Benefits piecemeal from strengthening several corridor of the legs, this disguise also helps in structure mobility and inflexibility of the reverse and chine. 


6 Anjaneyasana 


This low jab is a simple yet effective disguise that's ideal for newcomers. 




Stand straight and bend forward till one knee is fraudulent, and the other leg is stretched straight behind you 

Fold your hands and lift them high over your head 

Now Unbend your reverse, neck, and arms, feeling the stretch as you gently push at the hipsterism 

Benefits Among the yoga for chine mobility asanas, this is most effective in dragging and freeing the chine, opening it up for lesser mobility. 


7 Upavistha Konasana 


A fairly simple asana that can be learned with some practice, the seated forward bend is monstrously relaxing. 




Sit comfortably on the bottom with your legs stretched straight out in front of you 

Now open your legs out, stretching them as far as they allow 

Now let your hands crawl till they touch your bases 

Hold this position for ten counts 

Benefits This is a great asana to stretch the lower reverse and extend the chine. 


8 Salamba Bhujangasana 


The sphinx disguise is an easy asana that can be performed by newcomers and experts inversely. 




taradiddle on your mat stomach- down, keeping your body straight 

As you sluggishly lift your casket and arms off the bottom, prop your upper body using your elbows deposited under the shoulders 

Sink your legs and hips into the bottom, icing that you're comfortable and notover-stretched 

Hold the position for ten counts and lower sluggishly 

Benefits This disguise supports the natural curve of the chine well, releasing any pressure that has erected up in the region. 


9 Setu Bandhasana 


The ground disguise increases the inflow of the blood in the brain and soothes it by perfecting the blood rotation. 




taradiddle down flat, resemblant to the ground 

Try bending your legs at the knees 

To maintain the position, interlace your fritters and lift the buttocks advanced 

Don't ply pressure on your chin, neck, or shoulders 

Benefits This pose strengthens the reverse, buttocks, and hamstrings. 


10 Sarvangasana 


Shoulder stand disguise can be distributed under intermediate position yoga acts. 




Place a soft kerchief or a bumper under your neck and shoulders for support 

Align your shoulders with the bumper’s edge and rest your head on the yoga mat 

Keep your body entirely straight and stick your arms at the side of your body with triumphs facing towards the bottom 

While gobbling, sluggishly lift your legs 

Balance your bases in the air and support your hips with your triumphs and fritters 

Tuck your chin into your casket while keeping your neck in a single position 

sluggishly exhale to release the disguise 


Benefits This yoga asana can profit people suffering from back pain as it helps in strengthening the chine.

Friday 12 August 2022

The Best Exercises for Women During Periods

The bravery Exercises for Women During Periods .


During ages, exercise is the last thing on women’s minds. Fatigue and perversity make it harder to get up and stay motivated to work out. In addition, the hormone oscillations in a woman’s body during the whole menstrual cycle affect exercise performance. 


Effect of Ages on Exercise 


The menstrual cycle is the natural pattern during which there are oscillations in progesterone and oestrogen situations. The altered attention of these hormones impact the parameters of physiological systems. 

The menstrual cycle is a natural meter divided into three phases 

Early follicular phase low oestrogen and progesterone 

Ovulatory stage high oestrogen and low progesterone 

Mid-luteal phase high oestrogen and high progesterone 


Oestrogen control substrate metabolism by enhancing glycogen uptake and sparing glycogen stores. It has antioxidant and membrane stabilising parcels that give protection against exercise- convinced muscle damage and reduce seditious responses. 


The HealthifyMe Note 


There's no satisfactory substantiation of a difference in women’s capability to exercise in monthlies. The only authentic substantiation is related to abidance and long sports events. In these events, women in themid-luteal phase have a further grueling time exercising in hot and sticky rainfall. It's due to elevated body temperature and cardiovascular strain that lead to prostration. 


Benefits of Exercise During Periods 

It's no surprise that regular exercise can profit us in several ways. still, exercising can lead to specific benefits during your ages. Then are some of the common benefits. 


Relieve Menstrual diseases 


Studies report that the PMS symptoms are smaller in physically active women. It also shows that increased power training and aerobic exercise interventions can reduce PMS symptoms. 


Triggers the Release of Endorphins 


Exercise stimulates the stashing of endorphins that hoist the mood and reduce signs of anxiety, depression, and pain. Endorphins are feel-good hormones as well as natural anodynes. 

Exercises During Periods 


Performing particular exercises at the time of your period cycle can be helpful. For illustration, light walking during your period cycle can help your lungs work duly. Some other exercises that can help you during your ages are below. 




A low- intensity aerobic exercise that does n’t bear special outfit. Walking includes light movements which spark the stashing of endorphins. Endorphins hoist the mood and reduce the feeling of depression, anxiety, and unease. 




Yoga helps relax the body and relieve the symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle, similar as abdominal cramps and bloating. Also, stretching and breathing exercises increase blood rotation and help nausea. 



Cat- cow disguise 


It stretches the neck, back, and abdominal muscles. It regulates the chine’s inflexibility and is ideal for reducing back pain. In addition, it also better posture and helps in opening shoulder joints. 


Directions for the cat- cow disguise 


Start on your hands and knees with your wrists under your shoulders and knees straight under your hips. 


Centre the head in a neutral position with a neutral chine. 


Inhale and move into cow disguise drop the belly towards the mat, push the chin and casket overhead with aspect over towards the ceiling. 


Child Pose 


It stretches the lower reverse and hips. It relieves stress and reduces gas, bloating, fatigue, and back pain. 


Directions of child pose 


Kneel on the mat and rest your hips as opposed to your heels. Place your triumphs on the shanks and bring the bases closer together 

Inhale and exhale sluggishly, and relax your shoulders 

Exhale and lower the upper body onto your shanks. Extend the arms in front of you with your triumphs face down on the mat. 



Downward Dog Pose 


This disguise stretches the shoulders, casket, hamstrings, and pins. In addition, it strengthens the arms, shoulders, abdominal and quadriceps muscles, and ankles. 


Directions of downcast canine pose 


From the table position, tuck the toes under and place the triumphs facing the ground. 

Spread the fritters wide piecemeal and triumphs shoulder- range piecemeal. Press on the fritters and lift the hips towards the ceilings 


Cobra Pose 


This disguise stretches the casket and abdominal muscles and maintains the chine’s inflexibility. It improves poor posture, relieves back pain, fights against depression, and improves energy situations. It increases the mobility of the chine and opens up the casket. In addition, it strengthens the spinal help muscles. 


Directions for cobra pose 


taradiddle on the stomach, face down with your bases and legs together 

Place the hands on the floor directly under the shoulders 

Inhale as you elevate your casket off the bottom without moving your legs 

Plank disguise 


It strengthens the arms, wrists, and chine. In this yoga disguise, all the muscles are engaged, which helps strengthen the upper body, core, and lower body. 


Directions for plank pose 


Start on your hands and knees with your wrist straight under the shoulders. 

Place your forearms on the bottom with elbows below the shoulders and arms resemblant with the body about shoulder- range piecemeal. Do n’t let your casket collapse. 

Tuck your toes and step back with your bases. Bring your body and head in one directly line. 




Swimming is a gentle and comforting exercise to relieve the physical and cerebral symptoms of PMS. Ladies will also bleed less in cold water because of the hard setting of blood vessels. 


Light Lifting and Pilates 


Pilates and low- intensity power- grounded moves relax the body and reduce the inflexibility of PMS symptoms similar as abdominal cramps. Also, pilates targets specify muscle groups and builds core strength. Low- intensity strength training increases muscle inflexibility and strength. 


The HealthifyMe Note 


Exercise during ages has proven to relieve the symptoms associated with ages. It relieves abdominal cramps, worried stomach, diarrhoea, nausea, puking, headache, bloating, mood swings, perversity, and fatigue. In addition, exercise balances physical and hormonal changes and enhances the product of endorphins( feel-good hormones) to reduce pain and ameliorate mood. 


Safety and Tips to Recover During Ages 


Eat constantly, but with small portions of food. For illustration, try to eat six small refections a day rather than three. Don't skip refections. It can aggravate PMS symptoms.

Thursday 11 August 2022

How Music May Make People Less Cautious While Driving, Working

How Music May Make People Less conservative While Driving, Working 


buses with music playing at full volumes are a fairly common sight on the thoroughfares. Yet, I find it hard to recall stopping to wonder whether the motorist is so distracted by the music as to disguise any immediate peril to people around them — that’s how ubiquitous the practice is; it slightly raises eyebrows. Turns out, however, the practice may indeed pose peril. 


According to a new study published in the Journal of Experimental Psychology General, harkening to music can make people less conservative. The experimenters asked the study actors to perform a variety of tasks to check the impact of background music on their capability to perceive their surroundings, classify letters, make opinions grounded on their preferences, and access general knowledge. The result lowered performance across the tasks. 


The wisdom then points out how people may be slow to pick on audile cues while harkening to music. Driving, for case, necessitates that the person identifies audile information that changing sounds similar as honks are communicating. Music, in this script, snappily morphs into noise and serves as a distraction. once exploration, too, has come to analogous conclusions. “( T) he vehicle serves as a place for social functioning where musketeers can be jointly singly of their parents, the presence of three or further peer passengers on with loud music is a distraction that can increase the crash- threatfour-fold ” a 2013 study noted. 

The perceived safety issues that come with harkening to music feel a little counterintuitive. Despite its capability to distract, harkening to music while working, studying, doing ménage chores, or gymming, is a rather universal habit. numerous, in fact, find it helpful. “( M) usic puts us in a better mood, which makes us well at studying Being in a better mood likely means that we try that little bit harder and are willing to stick with grueling tasks, ” Timothy Byron, a speaker in psychology at the University of Wollongong in Australia, wrote in The discussion. 


He added a caution, however, “( Music) also distracts us, which makes us worse at studying. ” 

This caveat, still, might not be a mask one. According to Byron, music with lyrics can negatively impact people’s performance in tasks that involve using working memory, or “ holding and manipulating several bits of information in your head at formerly. ” He says, “( W) hen there’s music in the background, and especially music with lyrics, our working memory gets worse reading appreciation decreases when people hear to music with lyrics. ” 


The present study, unfortunately, used only a classical, necessary piece — The Flight of the Bumblebee by Rimsky- Korsakov — for the trials, making it delicate to examine the impact of music with lyrics. still, once studies — from 1989 and 2014 — attest to Byron’s statement. 

Byron also trust fast and loud music “ at about the speed of Shake It Off by Taylor Swift, at about the volume of a vacuum cleanser ” — can reduce people’s capability to perform the tasks at hand. 


The findings from the present study differ, however. Adding nuance to their trials, the experimenters studied the impact of variation in tempo — from 40 beats per nanosecond to 190 beats per nanosecond — on the speed and delicacy demonstrated by the actors. 

They did n’t find notable differences in their impact on people’s performance. “ The actors did report feeling further physiological thrill while harkening to the fastvs. slow interpretation but this didn't restate into fairly briskly responses, ” the British Psychological Society noted, reporting on the study. Eventually, “ the presence of music —vs. silence — pretentious performance on all of the tasks. It led actors to make faster and also less accurate opinions. ” 


While numerous people may find music distracting, once exploration — from as early as 1997 to as lately as 2007 — indicates that it’s more distracting for withdrawn individualities. Byron believes it's “ maybe, because wallflowers are more fluently overstimulated. ” 

Still, is it the distraction that leads to a lack of caution? Or, could it be a reduction in anxiety as a result of harkening to music that makes people less alert? 


opining on the study, a Reddit stoner wrote, “ I've anxiety and can be hyperactive- watchful, so I hear to music to tone that down and concentrate on what’s in front of me. else, every sound I hear makes me want to check out. ” Further, given that a 2013 report set up music to be extremely poignant in combating stress and anxiety, it does n’t feel entirely irresolute that the soothing effect of music may have a part to play in putting people at lesser ease maybe, indeed in situations where that may not inescapably be desirable. 


Nevertheless, it's important to admit that the impact of music can vary from person to person. “ As someone living with adult ADHD and complex PTSD( I) need background music to maximize my superintendent performing and dampen my startle response to unanticipated sounds, ” an existent reflected on the study. 


The effect of music can also depend on the kind of task one is performing. “( S) imple tasks commodity done every day similar as inputting data or sorting emails generally underutilizes a person’s attentional coffers or ‘ internal bandwidth. ’ When paired with music, the sound can enhance performance by enwrapping the leftover attention space, and minimize the threat of drifting off during a routine task, ” an composition by Rutgers University states. 

In the meantime, the coming time we ’re laughed at for asking people, “ Can you please break for a moment so I can suppose easily? ” we ’ll, at least, have exploration to explain why background noise is abstracting.

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Scientists Found 830‑Million‑Year‑Old Organisms Potentially Alive in Crystals

Scientists set up 830 ‑ Million ‑ Time ‑ Old Organisms Potentially Alive in Chargers 


In the depths of Central Australia, a platoon of geologists made a discovery that could impact our understanding of both ancient, and potentially, extraterrestrial life. They set up chargers of sodium chloride or gemstone swab — also known as halite — dating back to 830 million times, conceivably containing traces of life in the form of prokaryotes and algae. While there's no evidence yet as to whether these organisms are alive or not, scientists consider it a real possibility. 

This is significant Until now, the oldest microorganisms set up alive were 250 million times old. 


What we do know so far, is that the chargers contain “ fluid eliminations ” — these are small quantities of the humidity trapped within chargers just as they form inside a saltwater terrain. These pockets of fluid trapped inside chargers could also tell us a lot about the region’s atmosphere, ecosystem, and life itself from 830 million times agone . 

All this means that we now have new ways of studying early sediments for life. This finding expands the compass of study to include any ancient sediments — from anywhere as “ implicit hosts ” for life. 


“This discovery shows that microorganisms from saline depositional surroundings can last well saved in halite for hundreds of millions of times and can be detected in situ with optic styles alone, ” the paper, published in Geology, noted. In other words, organisms else perceived to be dead can survive in certain conditions; their discovery usingnon-intrusive styles can change our understanding of “ livable ” globes. 

Indeed Mars, for case, has been extensively reported to have been livable for millions of times a long time agone

Mars rovers have also set up ancient beds of what used to be lakes; and the discovery of swab was the key to unleashing this piece of Martian history. Chancing potentially living microorganisms trapped in the swab back at home, also, paves way for probing a little deeper into swab reserves from out of space. 


The other special point of the study was that geologists used optic styles to study the inside of the chargers. They did n’t have to disturb or disrupt the composition of the demitasse or its occupants by physically poking and probing outside. They used a fashion called ultraviolet-visible( UV- vis) petrography. 

The luminescence of the organic matter inside also had its own stories to tell while some signified decay, others showed signs of “ unaltered ” organic material. 


“It has been suggested that radiation would destroy organic matter over long time ages microorganisms may survive in fluid eliminations by metabolic changes, including starvation survival and tubercle stages, and concurrence with organic composites or dead cells that could serve as nutrient sources, ” the experimenters wrote. The fairly unperturbed findings speak to the continuity of life in limbo — and could further tell us about the sheer magnitude of life’s possibilities anywhere and across time itself.

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના ૨૦૨૨ સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી અહીંથી જાણો

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના ૨૦૨૨ સંપૂર્ણ માહિતી અહીંથી જાણો

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના ૨૦૨૨ : નેશનલ ટેસ્ટિંગ એજન્સી (NTA) એ PM યંગ અચીવર્સ સ્કોલરશિપ એવોર્ડ સ્કીમ (YASASVI) માટે ઓનલાઈન અરજીઓ આમંત્રિત કરી છે. રસ ધરાવતા વિદ્યાર્થીઓ PM યસસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ પ્રવેશ પરીક્ષા યોજના માટે અધિકૃત વેબસાઇટ પર ઓનલાઈન અરજી કરી શકે છે. PM યસસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના અરજી ફોર્મ 2022 સબમિટ કરવાની છેલ્લી તારીખ 26મી ઓગસ્ટ 2022 છે બપોરે 11:50 વાગ્યા સુધી. તમામ વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પીએમ યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજનાની અરજી પ્રક્રિયા, પસંદગી પ્રક્રિયા, પાત્રતા, મહત્વપૂર્ણ તારીખો, પીએમ યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના 2022 માટે શિષ્યવૃત્તિની રકમની સંપૂર્ણ વિગતો નીચે આપેલ લેખથી મેળવી શકશો.
PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના ૨૦૨૨

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના ૨૦૨૨ : ભારત સરકારના સામાજિક ન્યાય અને અધિકારીતા વિભાગ દ્વારા PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના હેઠળ વર્ષ 2022-23ની પરીક્ષા તારીખ જાહેર કરવામાં આવી છે. PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના હેઠળ લાખો રૂપિયાની સ્કોલરશીપ આપવામાં આવે છે. PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના 78 શહેરોમાં 11 સપ્ટેમ્બરના રોજ યોજવામાં આવશે જેનો લાભ અન્ય પછાત વર્ગ (OBC), આર્થિક રીતે પછાત વર્ગ (EBC) અને વિચરતી વિમુક્તિ જાતિ (DNT)ના ધોરણ 9 થી 12 માં અભ્યાસ કરતા વિદ્યાર્થીઓને મળશે.

પોસ્ટ ટાઈટલ PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના
પોસ્ટ નામ PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના
પોસ્ટ પ્રકાર શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના
હેઠળ ભારત સરકાર
વિભાગ સામાજિક ન્યાય અને અધિકારીતા
પરીક્ષા તારીખ 11-09-2022 (રવિવાર)
સત્તાવાર વેબ સાઈટ
અરજી પ્રકાર ઓનલાઈન

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના પૂરું નામ
PM યશસ્વી યોજના પૂરું નામ PM Young Achievers Scholarship Award Scheme for Vibrant India (PM YASASVI) છે.

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના 2022નો ઉદ્દેશ્ય
ભારત સરકારના સામાજિક ન્યાય અને અધિકારીતા વિભાગ દ્વારા જાહેર કરવામાં આવેલ યોજના મુખ્ય ઉદ્દેશ અન્ય પછાત વર્ગ (OBC), આર્થિક રીતે પછાત વર્ગ (EBC) અને વિચરતી વિમુક્તિ જાતિ (DNT)ના ધોરણ 9 થી 12 માં અભ્યાસ કરતા વિદ્યાર્થીઓ પોતાનો અભ્યાસ અધવચ્ચે મૂકવાને બદલે આગળ અભ્યાસ શરૂ રાખે તે માટે જરૂરી વસ્તુઓ મળી રહે. આ યોજના અંતર્ગત દર વર્ષે 15000 વિદ્યાર્થીઓને 383.65 કરોડની સહાય કરવામાં આવશે.

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજનાથી લાભ
ભારત સરકાર હેઠળના વિભાગ દ્વારા શરુ કરવામાં આવેલ આ યોજનાનો સિદ્ધો લાભ પછાત વર્ગોના વિદ્યાર્થીઓને થશે. જે લોકો આર્થિક પરિસ્થિતીના લીધે પોતાનો અભ્યાસ અધ્ધવચ્ચે જ છોડી ડે છે તેવા લોકો માટે આ યોજના આશીર્વાદ રૂપ નીવડશે કારણ કે આ યોજના થકી ગરીબ વિદ્યાર્થીઓને સહાય મળશે. PM યશસ્વી યોજના પારદર્શક છે કારણ કે કોમ્પ્યુટર બેઝ પરીક્ષા આપવાની રહેશે. ધોરણ 9 અને 10ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓને વાર્ષિક 75000 રૂપિયા મળવા પાત્ર છે અને ધોરણ 11 અને 12ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓને 1,25,000 રૂપિયા મળવા પાત્ર છે.

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ સ્કોલરશીપ યોજના માટે પાત્રતાઅરજદાર ભારતીય નાગરિક જોવો જોઈએ.
અરજદાર અન્ય પછાત વર્ગ (OBC), આર્થિક રીતે પછાત વર્ગ (EBC) અને વિચરતી વિમુક્તિ જાતિ (DNT) જાતિના હોવા જોઈએ.
વિદ્યાર્થી લીસ્ટ આપેલ તેમાંથી સ્કુલમાં અભ્યાસ કરતો હોવો જોઈએ
2021-22માં ધોરણ 8 અથવા ધોરણ 10 પાસ કરેલ હોવું જોઈએ.
વાલીની વાર્ષિક આવક મર્યાદા 2.5 લાખની હોવી જોઈએ.
ધોરણ 9ની પરીક્ષા માટે અરજી કરનાર ઉમેદવારનો જન્મ 01-04-2006 થી 31-03-2010 (બંને દિવસો સહીત)ની વચ્ચે થયેલો હોવો જોઈએ
ધોરણ 11ની પરીક્ષા માટે અરજી કરનાર ઉમેદવારનો જન્મ 01-04-2004 થી 31-03-2008 (બંને દિવસો સહીત)ની વચ્ચે થયેલો હોવો જોઈએ
છોકરા-છોકરી બંને અરજી કરી શકે છે.

PM YASASVI શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના આવક મર્યાદા
આ યોજના માટે માતા-પિતા/વાલીની વાર્ષિક આવક મર્યાદા 2.5 લાખની હોવી જોઈએ.

કેટલી સહાય મળવાપાત્ર
ધોરણ 9 અને 10ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓને વાર્ષિક 75,000 રૂપિયા મળવાપાત્ર છે અને ધોરણ 11 અને 12ના વિદ્યાર્થીઓને 1,25,000 રૂપિયા મળવાપાત્ર છે.

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના 2022 પરીક્ષા તારીખ
PM યશસ્વી સ્કોલરશીપ યોજનાની પરીક્ષા તારીખ 11-09-2022 (રવિવાર)ના રોજ લેવાશે જે કોમ્પ્યુટર બેઝ ટેસ્ટ (CBT) હશે.

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના ડોક્યુમેન્ટ લીસ્ટ
અભ્યાસનું સર્ટીફીકેટ
બેંક ખાતું (આધાર કાર્ડ સાથે જોડાયેલ)
આવકનું પ્રમાણપત્ર
જાતિ પ્રમાણપત્ર
મોબાઈલ નંબર
ઈ-મેઈલ એડ્રેસ

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ અરજી કઈ રીતે કરશો?
NTAની સત્તાવાર વેબસાઈટ પર જાઓ
PM યશસ્વી સ્કોર્શીપ યોજના માટે રજીસ્ટ્રેશન કરો અને લોગીન કરો
માંગેલ તમામ માહિતી ભરો અને સબમિટ કરો
ફોર્મની PDF કોપી ડાઉનલોડ કરી લ્યો.

PM યશસ્વી પરીક્ષા પદ્ધતિ
MCQ પ્રકારના પ્રશ્ન.
સાચા જવાબના માર્ક્સ મળે છે.
નેગેટીવ માર્ક્સ નહી ગણાઈ
પરીક્ષાનો સમય 3 કલાકનો રહેશે

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના ઉપયોગી તારીખો
ફોર્મ ભરવાના શરુ તારીખ 27-07-2022
ફોર્મ ભરવાની છેલ્લી તારીખ 26-08-2022 (05:00 PM)
એડમિટ કાર્ડ (કોલ લેટર) જાહેર તારીખ 05-09-2022
PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના પરીક્ષા તારીખ 11-09-2022
પરીક્ષા પ્રકાર કોમ્પ્યુટર બેઝ ટેસ્ટ (CBT)
પરીક્ષા સમય 02 : 00 PM થી 05 : 00 PM
પરીક્ષાનો સમયગાળો 3 કલાક

PM યશસ્વી શિષ્યવૃત્તિ યોજના ઉપયોગી લીંક

ઓફિશિયલ નોટીફીકેશન | અરજી કરો

નીલકંઠ ધામ પોઈચા | Neelkanth Dham Poicha: You will be shocked to see such a place in Gujarat

નીલકંઠ ધામ પોઈચા | Neelkanth Dham Poicha: You will be shocked to see such a place in Gujarat

ગુજરાતમા આવેલ આ સ્થળે એક વખત અચુક જવુ જ જોઈએ....
👌 નીલકંઠ ધામ પોઈચા : ગુજરાતમાં આવું સ્થળ જોઈને ચોંકી જશો
ગુજરાતની એવી જગ્યા જ્યાં તમને સ્વર્ગ જેવી અનુભૂતિ થશે.
અદભુત વિડીયો....રુબરુ ગયા જેવી ફીલીંગ આવશે

વધુ વાંચો ગુજરાતીમાં 👈

ઓફિશિયલ વેબસાઈટ 👈

Lord Vishnu is seated with Sheshnag in the main temple. Apart from this there are temples of Ganeshji, Hanumanji, Saptarishi, an incarnation of Vishnu and others.
Religious Significance: Neelkanthdham is one such temple which imparts sanskars and ancient Vedic traditions as well as religiosity to the younger generation of today. Neelkanth Dham is an archaic temple offering the philosophy of ancient Sanskrit with the idol of Neelkanthavarnindra (Lord Swaminarayan) in the Poicha Shikharbadh Temple.

224 years ago, when Lord Neelkanth was visiting this temple, he took a bath in the Narmada river at this place. Built in 2013, this grand temple is spread over 24 acres. The temple looks mesmerizing with the art carvings.

Historical Significance: With the efforts of Shastriji Maharaj and Dharmajivandasji Swami of Swaminarayan Sampradaya, the temple has been established with three and a half lakh Swaminarayan Mantra chants and 21 days of Utsav and Mahayagya in the special presence of Acharyashree Anandprasadji Maharaj. This place is also known as Prayag of the West. During the Diwali holiday, more than 10 lakh people from across the country have visited the Poicha temple.

Video જુઓ

A place in Gujarat where you will feel like heaven. Trees, idols, grand temple and huge idol. This place is a combination of religion and travel. All this will be found in one place and we are showing you the scenes of that place in today's Shu Plan. Seeing that you will plan to go to this place in Gujarat...

Come here for a picnic

Gujaratis are considered to be very fond of traveling. Even when they get a day off from office or work, they take their car and go for a walk. Today we will tell them about a place in Gujarat which is best for a picnic. Here you can comfortably freshen up in a day.

Just 65 km from Vadodara

A grand Nilakantha Dham is built in Poicha village on the banks of Narmada River, just 65 km from Vadodara on the way to Rajpipla. Built in the year 2013, this Swaminarayan temple has become a center of attraction among people. The architecture of the temple is worth seeing. An elephant ride takes place during the aarti in the temple here. The temple is illuminated with colorful lights in the evening adding to its beauty.

The temple is surrounded by water on all sides

Spread over about 105 acres, this temple has a fair-like atmosphere during the holidays. The entire temple is divided into two parts, Neelkanthadham and Sahajananda Universe. There is a huge idol of Lord Nataraja at the entrance of the temple. So there is a huge lake inside the temple. Among which, there are many other small temples along with Shivlinga, Ganeshji, Hanumanji temple.

Excellent accommodation and food

108 Gaumukhi There are throngs of devotees bathing in the waters of the Narmada river flowing from the Ganga from morning till evening. There are also accommodation and dining facilities next to the temple. Karnali village is situated on the opposite bank of Narmada from here. So you can also enjoy swimming in Narmada river.

Another attraction of the temple

Apart from Darshan, you can come here and enjoy other things like Nature Park, Exhibition, Light and Sound Show, Tunnel of Yampuri, Flower Clock, Art Gallery and Horror House.

How to reach

Poicha Neelkanthdham is located 169 km from Amdava. By car you will reach Poicha in just three and a quarter hours. Also the nearest railway station is Rajpipla, from here you can reach there by traveling 12.5 km in a private vehicle.

An Optical Illusion Can Help Researchers Better Understand Our Brains

An optic vision Can Help Researchers Better Understand Our smarts.


The black holes of nature are among the most perfect objects to live. They're also the most intimidating; falling through a black hole is the subject of numerous propositions and fictional narratives. It could be like falling through a rabbit hole, but there's relatively conceivably no way to know the secrets trapped within these objects of vacuity. Now imagine the dizzying possibility of a black hole swallowing you whole. 

This is an experience that has recently surfaced in the corridors of the internet. The “ expanding hole ” vision has dark, black spheres spotting a white background; at the center is a big circle. To the eye, it feels like the black spheres are sluggishly getting bigger and bigger, creating the vision of the person falling into the black hole at the center of the image. According to a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, as numerous as 86 of actors feel to fall for it. The black hole vision is relatively complete at deceiving the brain. 


It's easy to dismiss this as a salon trick — one of the numerous visions and simulations we can regale ourselves with. gawk long enough at anything and it has the implicit to flummox the person; suppose the noway - ending Penrose Stairs, or the Ames Room Illusion( when one person on the side appears important high than they really are) that was also used relatively freely in Lord of the Rings editing. 


Yet, the “ expanding hole ” vision holds numerous assignments for experimenters, assignments that could be relatively instructional in how we understand the way eyes and our brain — function. 


“The ‘ expanding hole ’ is a largely dynamic vision, ” Bruno Laeng, a professor at the section of psychology of the University of Oslo and first author of the study, said in a statement. To test just why and how people feel to be falling prey to it, Laeng, along with others, measured the pupillary response of 50 men and women with “ normal ” vision to see how the vision played out physiologically. 

“The indirect smear or shadow grade of the central black hole evokes a marked print of optic inflow, as if the bystander were heading forward into a hole or lair, ” Laeng explained. The pupil expanded when looking at the black spheres, because to the brain, it was nearly as if the person was physically moving towards an area that was darker than their current surroundings. To compensate for it, the brain responded( indeed if preemptively) by conforming the eyes to ripen further light from the surroundings. 


What explains the vision of moving forward, however? The black blob’s soft edges produce the appearance of a stir blur. “ That’s why watcher see the black blob as growing, the same thing one would see when walking towards a dark delve ,for illustration, ” Andrew Liszewski explained in Gizmodo. 

In other words, the pupils did dilate, or increase in periphery, in response to the vision — indeed if the body was apprehensive that the pupils are being tricked. It did n’t count how real or illusory this was, the eyes responded as if they were viewing a black hole legitimately expanding. 


This goes to show just how important imagination is at play — a line of inquiry that goes beyond just hearing or harkening about this trick from other people. rather, the vision has much to do with a physiological indicator at large the eye is conforming to a perceived, indeed imaginary, light — not a palpable and physical energy. Our pupils dilate in the very expectation of entering a dark space. 

The experimenters also experimented with different colors of the vision ellipses bearing the colors blue, green, cyan, magenta, unheroic, red, and white holes were shown to the actors rather of the standard black bones

Indeed also, the pupils replied in response to the vision but the response was weaker in comparison to how the eye replied to dark objects. For the 86 of actors who saw the vision, the darkness urged dilation, while multicolored performances meant people’s pupils contracted and got lower in periphery. 


This again verified that an vision is potent enough to beget a physiological response. The link between pupil dilation and vision is noted before. “ While it was formerly known that imagined article can elicit so- called ‘ endogenous ’ changes in pupil size, we were surprised to see more dramatic changes in those reporting further pictorial imagery, ” one experimenter said. A separate study also noted that pupil dilation in and of itself could indicate if someone gests aphantasia — an capability to picture objects in the mind without visually seeing them. 

“Indeed if you did n’t say you saw the vision moving before you, your eyes may be quietly giving you down and this consummation is arguably further substantiation that we might want to reevaluate the scientific value of our bitsy optic voids, ” notes an composition on CNET. 


The present value of the exploration lies in showing how not all optic visions are gimmicks meant for light recreation. The study’s future, also, will look into other natural revulsions to similar visual optics; ultimately, experimenters hope to know further about how people physiologically witness visions. 

It's a matter of guess where we'd crop if we were to plunge down a black hole. Some would say we mayre-emerge in a different part of the macrocosm. A more realistic answer is we could get torn piecemeal by extreme graveness. While scientists wonder andre-wonder, there's comfort in chancing an internet black hole that is n’t wholly menacing — indeed if it’s a trick.

Tuesday 9 August 2022

Scientists Discover Eye‑Lash Length Bacteria, the Largest Ever Found

Scientists Discover Eye ‑ Lash Length Bacteria, the Largest Ever set up .

Back in 2009, in the distant rung of a mangrove timber in the Caribbean, a marine biologist noticed commodity strange while poking around in the water from a swamp. Thin hair- suchlike beaches floated around, visible to the naked eye. 


“In the morning, I allowed it was just commodity curious, some white fibers that demanded to be attached to commodity in the deposition like a splint, ” said Olivier Gros, the biologist in question. But the verity ended up being far stranger than fabrication — the bitsy beaches turned out to be single- celled bacteria. This discovery changes our understanding of the heretofore solely bitsy species, ever. 

Since also, scientists have examined the thread- suchlike organism nearly to confirm, eventually, that it's indeed a single- celled bacterium — the largest to have ever been set up. 


The findings were published moment in Science, and confirm that the critter is indeed a gigantic single- celled bacterium with further complex internal mechanisms powering it than any other given bacteria. This would not only make it the largest given bacterium in the world, but it also subverts the rules of prokaryotes — a family of organisms that warrant internal membrane- bound organelles( like a nexus). The giant bacteria, namedT. magnifica, does still store DNA and ribosomes inside bitsy membraned organelles called “ pepins. ” 

The defining point ofT. magnifica is its size spectacularly suppressing that of any other kind of bacteria, which are about 2 micrometers long.T. magnifica ‘s cell length is over,000 micrometers, and it’s around,000 times larger than utmost bacteria. “ To put it into environment, it would be like a mortal encountering another mortal as altitudinous as Mount Everest, ” said marine biologist Jean- Marie Volland, lead author of the study. 


“These cells grow orders of magnitude over theoretical limits for bacterial cell size and challenge traditional generalities of bacterial cells, ” the experimenters wrote in their paper. 

Its size isn't the only identifying factor. Where other bacteria grow in volume to split and procreate ,T. magnifica simply detaches a part of itself. It also has a much larger genome, and can also distribute the protein that produces ATP( the energy source of cells) across wider ranges, impacting its size. The pepins, also, host around,000 clones of the bacteria’s genome. 


Experimenters are still not sure why they evolved to come this big. “ By leaving the bitsy world these bacteria have surely changed the way they interact with their terrain, ” Volland told The Guardian. On the one hand, they may have come hundreds of times bigger than their bloodsuckers, thereby escaping them. On the other, they can no longer move around and populate spaces as fluently or as snappily. 

These findings prompt experimenters to look for indeed larger bacteria that may be “ hiding in plain sight ” according to the study. “ There’s presumably an upper limit on cell size at some point, but I do n’t expected it'll be peculiar to bacteria or archaea or eukaryotes, ” Petra Levin, from Washington University, told Nature. 


“We really shouldn't undervalue elaboration, because we ca n’t guess where it’s going to go I would not have guessed this thing exists, but now that I see it, I can see the sense in the elaboration to this point, ” Levin added. 

For now, the discovery prompts amazement at the sheer range, scale, and rigidity of the living world. Hence the name, maybe — representing “ magnifique ” in French.

Monday 8 August 2022

Gujarat Science City app can be use forticket booking facility and many facility

Gujarat Science City app can be use forticket booking facility and many facility

Gujarat Science City app can be use forticket booking facility and many facility

Menu of the application contains:

• Booking: Booking enables customers to book various items available in Gujarat Science City. Booking as available only for current date. They are broadly categorized in three main segments

અહીંથી જુઓ સાયન્સ સિટી નો વિડિયો

1. Two-wheeler: Users can buy parking tickets in bulk. Each ticket will only serve one two-wheeler. The price as of current is set at 20 INR.

2. Four-Wheeler: Users can buy parking tickets in bulk. Each ticket will only serve one four-wheeler. The price as of current is set at 50 INR

3. Bus/Luxury: Users can buy parking tickets in bulk. Each ticket will only serve one Bus/Luxury vehicle. The price as of current is set at 100 INR.

 Movies: The various moves listed in Gujrat science city are availavle for booking in this segment. The details for each movie are given as:

1. Born to Be wild 3D: This movie describes the African Safari jungle and talks about various species in the animal kingdom. The time slot available for this movie is 2:00 PM IST to 2:41PM IST.

Tickets are available in two categories:

I. General Visitor ticket: The ticket is priced at 150 INR and can be bought in bulk.

II. School Group Ticket: The ticket is priced at 80 INR and can be bought in bulk.

2. Island of Lemurs Madagascar: This movie talks about Lemurs of Madagascar’s. The time slot available for this movie is 08:00 PM IST to 08:41PM IST.

Tickets are available in two categories:

I. General Visitor ticket: The ticket is priced at 150 INR and can be bought in bulk.

II. School Group Ticket: The ticket is priced at 80 INR and can be bought in bulk.

3. T-Rex 3D: This movie talks about T-Rex Dinosaurs in the Jurassic Era. The time slot available for this movie is 01:00 PM IST to 01:45PM IST and 05:00PM IST to 05:45 PM IST.

Tickets are available in two categories:

I. General Visitor ticket: This ticket is available to any visitor visiting Gujarat Science City. The ticket is priced at 150 INR and can be bought in bulk.

II. School Group Ticket: This ticket is available to students from a school visiting Gujarat Science City. The ticket is priced at 80 INR and can be bought in bulk.
4. Walking on the moon 3D: This movie talks about astronauts on the moon. The time slot available for this movie is 04:00 PM IST to 04:41 PM IST.

Tickets are available in two categories:

I. General Visitor ticket: This ticket is available to any visitor visiting Gujarat Science City. The ticket is priced at 150 INR and can be bought in bulk

II. School Group Ticket: This ticket is available to students from a school visiting Gujarat Science City. The ticket is priced at 80 INR and can be bought in bulk.

 Attractions: Attraction booking are available to any visitor at Gujarat Science city. They can select any attraction from the list of attractions and pay for the item. Bulk bookings of attraction are also available and discounts for student groups are also available.

અહીંથી જુઓ સાયન્સ સિટી નો વિડિયો

• Attractions: This menu displays all the available attractions a visitor can see.

• Latest News: The latest news section provides all the news related to Gujarat Science City for the users of the app to see. This contains blogs and snippets of news information released to the print and digital media

• Science Programs: Science programs displays the list of additional Science Events that re organized in Gujarat Science City. Such events are organized as special attractions on special occasions. E.g. National Engineer’s Day, World Science Day, etc.

Settings: Settings displays user controls for font size, notifications etc.

Additional Features:

Map Direction: Visitors can check for map direction by clicking on the map menu.

science city mobile app

QR Menu: Visitor can use the QR menu to pay for any rides, bookings, movies and attraction

My Profile: My Profile describes all the data related to the user of the app. Users can check their bookings history and can change their password in this section

Contact Us: This helps users to contact the Gujarat Science City team for any grievances/suggestions

Learn all the concepts by following all the steps of science experiments. Perform some amazing chemistry and physics experiments and see the amazing results in your learning lab. Here, you can learn interesting science facts with each experiments for school, learn how different materials react with each other in surprising ways and learn molecular formula with our newly added level game play.

Key Feature
While playing this science experiment game, you will be guided step by step with voice. And after completing an experiment, a conclusion will be presented for learning and assistance in school projects. This game give you 3 exciting levels to play. Choose your mode and play with science.

Game Levels
(1) Do the Experiments
(2) Be an Alchemist
(3) Make Compounds

Do the Experiments - Game Features
Best science experiments educational game
Simple apparatus and materials used for each experiment
A step by step guide and instructions to perform the experiments for your school projects
Easy to perform and understand science experiments
Learn experiments with summary of the science behind the experiments

Experiments Overview
#1 Generating electricity from a potato with copper wire and magnet.
#2 Understand how Carbon dioxide can be generated and how it is used as fire extinguisher.
#3 Building a manual homemade water pump using a simple empty bottle.
#4 How do you make a colored rain inside your home?
#5 Understand how a mechanical boat works with simple experiment at home.
#6 Creating a vacuum using simple glass and candle.
#7 How to inflate a balloon automatically without manually doing it?
#8 Creating an erupting volcano with the simplest materials from home.
#9 Making your own electromagnet in a few minutes.
#10 Understand how do an electromagnetic effect works and makes the battery move as train.

Be an Alchemist - Game Features
Just as the name suggest, you have to be an Alchemist in this level. Mix elements to create the element you have been asked in each levels. Every combination is a little puzzle in itself to solve. Try to unlock every elements that are shown in the right panel.

Did you get stuck? You can always Undo your steps to separate the elements you mixed by mistake. Still unable to solve? You can always use the hint for the correct element as answer.

Make Compounds - Game Features
A unique game play to learn molecular formula of different compounds. You will be asked the compound to make on the screen.

Move beaker left or right with taps and collect the right molecule to make the right compound. One wrong molecule will make the level fail. So how many molecules can you make without fail?