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Tuesday 12 July 2022

Indian States and Capitals 2022: Check List of Indian States, UT and Capitals

 States and Union homes centrals of India 2022 

States, union homes, and centrals of India 2022 India is a vast country with so numerous effects to know about. No importance what, India leaves us to stay amazed! How do these immingled societies come a country is amazing in itself. With geomorphology so varied and races so coloured, India is a beauty. Be it carnivals, food, dresses or culture, each state is different from others. How do these 28 countries and 8 union homes indeed serve together? We'll get to know about it then in this composition!  

How numerous countries and centrals are in India? 

We all have gone through that phase in our nonage when we were asked about how numerous countries India has, or how numerous Union homes are there in India, and indeed about the capital metropolises of all these. As a child, it was delicate to learn but the appetite to answer these quizzes made us flash back them by heart. Now, as we grew up, came different emendations and the stats have changed. also, as we're approaching or have approached majority, learning about countries or centrals was excluded from the part of our routines, but as an Indian, we must keep up with these figures as well. What if someone asks you about the number of countries or UTs in India; and wo n’t you be shamed of not answering them the right answer when you yourself are an Indian citizen? So, let’s read, find out, and learn! 


India is a civil union made up of 28 countries and 8 union homes, totaling 36 separate realities. sections and lower executive units are subdivided further inside the countries and union homes. Each state in India has its own executive, legislative, and judicial capital. All three liabilities, according to some accounts, are carried out in the same capital. every state is led by a Chief Minister. 

Read About 11 Abecedarian Duties of Indian citizens 

States, Union homes and centrals of India 2022 in Hindi


क्या होगा यदि कोई आपसे भारत में राज्यों या केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों की संख्या के बारे में पूछे और जब आप स्वयं एक भारतीय नागरिक हैं तो क्या आपको उन्हें सही उत्तर न देने में शर्मिंदगी महसूस नहीं करेंगे? तो आइए पढ़ते हैं, पता लगाते हैं और सीखते हैं! 


भारत 28 राज्यों और 8 केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों से बना एक संघ है, जिसमें कुल 36 अलग- अलग संस्थाएं हैं । जिलों और छोटी प्रशासनिक इकाइयों को राज्यों और केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों के अंदर और अधिक उप- विभाजित किया गया है । भारत में प्रत्येक राज्य की अपनी प्रशासनिक, विधायी और न्यायिक राजधानी है । प्रत्येक राज्य का नेतृत्व एक मुख्यमंत्री करता है । 

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Union territories and Capitals of India 2022 list

Here is a list of India’s 8 union territories, their capitals are given below.

8 Union Territories and Capitals of India 2022

S.noUnion territoriesCapital
1Andaman and Nicobar IslandsPort Blair
3Dadra and Nagar Haveli,
Daman  & Diu
4DelhiNew Delhi
6Puducherry (Pondicherry)Puducherry (formerly Pondicherry)
7Jammu and KashmirSrinagar (Summer), Jammu (Winter)

28 countries, 8 Union homes, and centrals of India 2022 

The state is divided into executive divisions, each of which has its own tagged government. The Central Government controls and administers the Union homes, which are constituent realities. 


The Governor is the administrative head of a state, whereas the President is the administrative head of a UT. 

The state’s relationship with the civil government is civil. A UT’s relationship with the Centre is unitary. i.e. Union has complete control over all power. 


The correct head of a state is the Chief Minister. The correct head of a UT is a Lieutenant. 

Three of India’s eight union homes, including Delhi, Puducherry( preliminarily Pondicherry), and Jammu and Kashmir, have their own houses. Every union home and state has its own capital. 


On August 5, the civil government blazoned the invalidation of Jammu and Kashmir’s special status granted under Composition 370, as well as the partition of the state into two Union homes Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. 

The number of UTs has been reduced to eight with the junction of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Nagar Haveli.

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