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Friday 8 January 2021

What this year will be like for the country's politics, security, health, education and economic sector

What this year will be like for the country's politics, security, health, education and economic sector

Nastur Bejan Daruwala, Dr. Kumar Ganesh, Pt. Manish Sharma, Pt. Ganesh Mishra is making a special prediction

2021 has begun. This year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi's influence will be maintained due to Jupiter. After January 23, Corona will begin to be controlled worldwide. India could face troubles on the board because of Pakistan and China. The country's 4 astrologers are telling what the new year 2021 will be like for the country's politics, security, health, education and economic sector ...

What will the year 2021 be like for politics: -

Nastur Bejan Daruwala (Astrologer, Ahmedabad)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi's zodiac sign is Scorpio, he will have the grace of Jupiter. Their confidence will play an important role in defeating the enemy. Modi will achieve success with his extraordinary will power. At the same time, they will continue to impress people with their personality. The fact that Jupiter is in the center of their horoscope and Mars is in their own zodiac sign indicates that they have a special quality of management. This year could be a year of significant changes and developments for the country's politics.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ

The planet Saturn is the cause of the masses. The planet is in the center and Jupiter is in sight. The BJP's influence will increase in the states where elections will be held this year as well. This year will not be more significant for the Congress. Politics activities will be in constant motion. The presence of Mars in Modi's horoscope in the year 2024 at Saturn's Saturn will give him a chance to become the Prime Minister again.

National Security and Foreign Policy:

Dr. Kumar Ganesh (Astrologer, Jaipur)

The new year will be very special in terms of India's security. Tensions between India and China could rise this year. There is a war between the two countries, but there will be no war. The situation between India and Pakistan will remain tense from April to October, with war looming. Pakistan could suffer more this year. Terrorism will be under control in Jammu and Kashmir. Two or three major events may occur, but the situation will be under control. Naxalite activity will be high.

In terms of foreign policy too, some issues will be challenging for India this year. However, India can succeed in its relations and diplomacy with the neighboring country. India's foreign policy can be remarkably successful in the case of China, Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bangladesh.

What will be the state of education and health in 2021: -

Pt. Manish Sharma (Jyotishacharya, Ujjain)

The damage done to the education sector by the Corona in 2020 will be covered in 2021. This year will be crucial for the improvement of the education sector. The new year will benefit parents, teachers and all those who manage. Students can get good results.

Epidemic Corona will begin to subside after January 2021

According to astrology, Saturn disturbs everyone whenever it comes in Uttarashadha constellation. The lord of the Uttarashadha constellation is the Sun. The Sun is at enmity with Saturn. This has led to an epidemic all over the world since Saturn entered the Sun's constellation. On 23rd January Saturn will come out of Uttarashadha Nakshatra and enter Shravan Nakshatra. Then the plague and unrest that had spread around the world would begin to subside. Many big problems of the country and the world will be solved.

How will the country's economy be this year: -

Pt. Ganesh Mishra (Jyotishacharya, Kashi)

There is no sign of further recovery in India's economy in the new year. At this time there will be unrest among the masses due to the economic crisis. The number of unemployed will increase. Profits in the stock market will decline. Fraud and corruption will increase in the bank. For many insurance companies the timing will not be good. Foreign exchange reserves will increase and the rupee will strengthen. Government revenue will increase.

The country's trade deficit will be reduced. Foreign roots will be involved, they will be interested in the Indian market. The stock market is in a slump at the beginning of the year. Shares of automobiles, real estate, mobiles, software, cement and steel will continue to decline. At the end of the year, India's run in the world market will increase, which could benefit the country in the years to come.

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