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Sunday 17 January 2021



How To search your name In voter List Guajrat :

First Open official gujarat Government site

Then fin Search name in voter List Tab

Then Select one from following option

Corporation/Nagarpalika/Taluka-district Panchayat

then entre Your Name or epic card no

Voter List Revealed Online

The new voter list has been published online as on 1-1-2021.

Voters can see their name in which ward / constituency they belong online.

Select the taluka district and enter your name or election card number to see all the details.

Learn Stepwise Detail:

Two and a half thousand years ago, the twenty-fourth Tirthankara of Jainism, Lord Mahavira, appeared on this land. Mahavir Swami continued on the path of non-violence for a lifetime and while teaching the path of non-violence to many corrupt people, he also made them lukewarm and made his life successful.

Mahavir Swami told the whole world the five principles of Jainism, which are also called Panchsheel principles.

Ahimsa - It is non-violence to seek the interest of a mere creature by mind, by word and by deed. One should keep thinking about the interest of mere creature by mind, word and deed.

Truth - to choose the right from the right and the wrong and to choose the eternal from the eternal and the fleeting. To choose that ultimate truth in every circumstance of life.

Aparigraha - to abandon all those things, persons or ideas which are detrimental to us. Do not store any thing or thing in life more than necessary.

Asteya - Asteya simply means not stealing. The person or the substance is not his own. Treat everyone as Lord and understand for that Lord. The use of resources provided by God in the inappropriate way is not feasible in autism.

Brahmacharya - Brahmacharya is the continuous variance in that ultimate brahm, mentally and mentally abandoning the desire to consume anything.
In other words, Mansa, Covenant and Karmana is the absence of any ill-will towards anyone or disorder is celibacy.

come! We all take the above formulas into life, and by taking a new breath within ourselves, we resolve to make our lives divine.

With non-violence, truth, aparigraha, astheya and celibacy
4 live and let live! 4

Congratulations to all of you and congratulations to you on the auspicious occasion of Lord Mahavir Swami!

Just as eating poison is fatal to itself, similarly your anger, your hatred, your jealousy and your malice are also a slow poison. If you drink it yourself, you will also have to suffer the consequences yourself.

The man rages, hates, envy and misogyny and thinks that it will hurt others but remember if you are drinking all these poisons then how can anyone be hurt ..?

Your fortifications, your narrowness, your internal distortions, do not harm anyone else, do bad things to someone else, but you are going to harm yourself and harm you.

The lamp that burns one's house also has to be first burnt by itself. The internal disorder is like a well dug by man in his own way, in which it is inevitable that it will fall soon.

For the complete eradication of all the internal disorders of life, there is only one Mahoushadhi, the only Sanjeevani boot -

Amazon knows one thing really well.

Selling stuff online.

Yes, there are other things too but its expertise in selling online is something very few would dispute.

Amazon has a presence in the US, Canada, India, Japan, Brazil, several European countries, the UAE, and a few other countries.

Around 38% of all e-commerce sales in the US is dominated by Amazon. The next big player is Walmart with around 6% market share.

In the UK, Amazon has about 30%. The next is eBay with only around 10%.

See the difference between the first and the second?

In India?

Flipkart rules but by a very (very) slim margin. Both Flipkart and Amazon have about 31%.

That’s what Amazon does: sell online.

There’s this concept in investing that Warren Buffet and Charlie Munger both speak a lot of: circle of competence.

Stick to what you know.

Warren Buffet has stayed away from tech stocks. He said he doesn’t understand them.

He understands insurance. He understands the railroad. So that’s where he mainly invests.

Amazon was born in the US and has developed its expertise on certain foundations that the US offers - good roads, good internet, English speaking and reading population, large warehouses, and a few others.

These are things that are not found in many parts of Africa. This is why Amazon doesn’t have much of a presence in the continent.

As a continent, Africa is extremely diverse, lacks infrastructure in many places, accessibility remains an issue, internet penetration is increasing but is very patchy, residential addresses aren’t clearly defined - and that’s just to mention a few of the issues.

Jumia - an e-commerce startup that began in 2012 - is known as the ‘Amazon of Africa’.

Starting with Nigeria, it has expanded to other African countries like Egypt, Morocco, and South Africa.

No delivery network: Jumia built its own logistics network.

Poor internet: Its website and app are optimized to function at low internet speeds.

No address: Jumia has designated pick-up spots in neighborhoods.

Jumia understands e-commerce. So does Amazon.

Jumia understands Africa. Amazon doesn’t.

Maybe that’s why Amazon hasn’t tried too hard to enter Africa?

In recent times, there has been a content boom on the internet.

Pictures, videos, texts, of all kinds have flooded everybody’s handheld devices.

We’re a part of that revolution too 

In a certain part of the internet where people love to learn and discuss finance, “circle of competence” has become a phrase that’s much-repeated, and rightly so.

A message that’s half transmitted is as good as no message.

While many are busy talking about sticking to one’s own circle of competence, a certain part of Buffet’s message often gets ignored: expand your circle of competence.

Nobody is born with a set of competencies. They are learned and developed over time.

So why stop after learning a few things?

In a world that’s rapidly changing, not expanding your circle of competence can prove to be a deadly mistake.

For over 60 years that Warren Buffet has been an active investor, he had mostly stayed away from tech stocks.

At the age of 85 years, in 2016, he made a big investment in tech.

He bought Apple stocks - something which was once outside his circle of competence.

At the time, Apple stock comprised 5.8% of his total investments.

Today, Apple stocks are the biggest of his investments by value. That 5.8% has grown to 48% of all of his investments.

Amazon sticks to the area circle of competence. But it also explores beyond it.

Sometimes it does well, sometimes not.

In fact, if all companies did was stick to their circle of competence without ever expanding, they’d die.

Netflix was in the business of renting DVDs. Then it moved to online streaming. Now, Netflix is a verb.

Reliance’s core competence was polyester. Then it became oil. Now it is also communication. And it's trying to get really good at retail.

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